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City of Weed, California
The Historic Lumber Town


What is a Subdivision?

A subdivision is the division of land into five or more lots, parcels or other units of land for the purpose of sale, lease or finance.  It includes condominiums, community apartments, or the conversion of a dwelling to a stock cooperative containing five or more dwelling units.

What determines the size of parcels that can be created?

The zoning districts and General Plan designations define the parcel sizes that can be created in a subdivision.  Health Department regulations on acceptable water supply and sewage disposal can also determine minimum lot sizes.

How do I apply far a Subdivision?

Your application, prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor is submitted to the Planning Department for review.  Your application must include a detailed description of the use you wish to make of the property, the Assessor’s Parcel Number, and the name and address of the property owner and of the person making the application. The application itself consists of the tentative map, a completed environmental information form and the processing fees. Submit the following with your application:

  • Photographs of the property, a location map and a scaled plot plan showing everything that exists on the parcel (buildings and uses, parking area, driveways, well septic system, setbacks, and lot dimensions) and proposed uses including signage, exterior lighting and landscaping.
  • A floor plan and the elevations of any proposed buildings.
  • Environmental Information Form.
  • Proof of property ownership. If you do not own the property, submit evidence that the owner agrees with your application.
  • A radius map showing all the parcels within 300 feet of your property and two stamped legal-size envelopes for each property identified.
  • A vicinity map (accurate to the nearest 1/10 mile) showing the nearest readily identifiable street intersection or landmark.
  • A preliminary title report no more than six months old.
  • A reduced copy of the exhibit maps (11” x 17” maximum)
  • Fees.

What happens after I apply?

The Planning Department will review your projects status under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to determine if it is exempt from environmental review, if it will require a negative declaration or if it will possibly require an Environmental Impact Report. Then, Planning will review your materials and also refer it to various departments within the City who may request that conditions be attached to the approval of your subdivision.  A project planner may visit the site.  Your application is reviewed by the Planning Director and may be recommended to the Planning Commission for approval, approval subject to conditions, or to be denied.  The application is then scheduled for a public hearing by the Planning Commission, at which members of the public may appear to support, object to, or simply ask questions about your proposal. The Planning Department will announce the meeting by mailing notices to all owners of property within 300 feet of yours and by placing a notice in a local newspaper.

At the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council for their consideration. The City Council then conducts a public hearing to consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation and decides on your proposal.

What criteria will the City use in deciding on my application?

An approved project must meet the following legal requirements:

  • The proposed map is consistent with applicable general plans and policies.
  • The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans.
  • The site is physically suitable for the type of development.
  • The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development
  • The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.
  • The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not cause serious public health problems.
  • The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large by easements of record or adjudication, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision.

What happens when I receive approval?

Normally, a tentative map is approved with conditions from various City departments. Once you have met those conditions and your final map has been recorded with the County Clerk you may apply for your Building Permits.

How long does the process take?

Normally! It takes about 3 to 4months to receive approval of the tentative map and up to one year following the approval for you to have the documents recorded and meet any conditions for approval. Department staff will assign a tentative hearing date when your application is complete.  Planning Commission meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month and their action is recommended and referred to the City Council who meets on the second Thursday of each month.

What fees must I pay?

You must pay an application fee. You will also be required to pay fees for preparation and processing the City environmental review, City Engineer review, archaeological review by the Northeast Information Center and environmental review by the Department of Fish & Game, and a County Clerk fee for posting the environmental determination.

What’s the next step in this process?

Obtain a subdivision application packet from the Planning Department. The packet explains the general procedures for applying for a subdivision, fees, and other related matters. The application must be completed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and have notarized signature by the property owner or owners.

You should also review the section of the City Zoning Ordinance that regulates the uses permitted in the zone in which your project is located (a Planner can help you identify which section of the ordinance you need). After you have become familiar with these documents, we recommend you prepare some very preliminary plans and bring them to the Planning Department counter so that staff can review them.

If you are new to Weed or unfamiliar with the permit system you may also wish to make an appointment to meet with staff who can explain the permit system, the different agencies involved and the various costs and requirements. Schedule your Pre Application Meeting by calling (530) 938-5020.

Attached Document or FilePre Application Meeting Guidelines  

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